Pour ou contre le chien dans le Métro?

For or against the dog in the Metro?

This October 15, 2022 the STM will begin its pilot project to accept dogs in the metro. The truth is that I am torn. I like the idea, but are we there as a society? Let me explain to you. It seems simple, a dog + its leash and a muzzle. I bring it during permitted hours and that's it. However, here's how a dog trainer sees it all. The challenges will be: loud noises, the movement of the metro running, a large amount of people, odors, litter on the ground, lack of space, people who will want to approach, people who will want to s away, other dogs and uncollected dog feces. It will also be important to properly desensitize the dog to these different situations, to its new muzzle and to make sure to understand its canine language in order to react accordingly.

How to know if your dog will be comfortable on the subway  ? 

His canine language can give you a lot of information to know how he feels in the situation. Does he pant a lot? Does he have big eyes? Does he have his head down? In the best of all worlds, it starts with desensitizing outside the subway and pairing each new experience with treats your dog will love while respecting its boundaries. If your dog is sick, elderly or injured, the metro should be avoided. There will be stairs to go down and up, slippery floors (especially in winter), and people who are impatient or incomprehensible to your dog's needs. And what about responsiveness! If my passion has taught me anything, it's that we have difficulty realizing that our dog is reactive and in what situation we can put him. Our priority as an owner must be the well-being and safety of our dog as well as that of the people around us. So you should avoid bringing your reactive dog, even with a muzzle,  in a place where there won't be a lot of space and where there will be a lot of people and noise.

What will be the benefits of this project?

The metro will allow parents of dogs without a car to move and venture with their dog to several new places. It will also be useful for vet appointments by being a more economical option than taking a taxi to get around. We are often restricted with the activities and places where we can go with our dogs, this project may be the first step towards many other possibilities with our best friend. In France dogs have been accepted since at least 2016 in their metro. This is also true for Belgium and Germany where canines must be kept on a leash in addition to a muzzle if necessary.

How to prepare well?

The least you could do is have an assessment or discussion with a dog trainer. Given the number of events that your dog can experience in an environment like the metro, it is recommended that you make an appointment with a dog trainer to work out the different challenges that await you if you plan to use the metro regularly with your dog. best friend. 

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