Hi! My name is Marc-André and I have been passionate about dog training for over 4 years. I passed the exam done by the Regroupement Québécois d'Intervenants en Éducation Canine (RQIEC) and I am also an administrator within the RQIEC. I am an educator who is in continuous training on the latest scientific methods in order to train dogs without fear or pain. To date, I have over 20 certifications with the Évolution Canine school , a certification from Michael Shikashio's master class Aggression in dogs , a 3-day seminar at Wolf Park with Jean Lessard, mentoring on a resource protection case with Jean Lessard and over 1500 completed training sessions. I also work for two shelters, Les Fidèles Moustachus and the Régie Intermunicipale des services animaliers de la Vallée-du-Richelieu. My mission is to make information about ethical dog training as accessible as possible, and to help people better understand the needs, learning mechanisms and emotions of our companions.